Community Learning Garden

Our Community Garden is the central initiative that we employ to teach Hampton’s children about nutritious eating and how to grow their own fresh vegetables.

We are partnered with the Hampton Department of Social Services to donate over 3,000lb of produce yearly and have a working relationship with the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank.

Our staff and participants perform their hard work on a plot of land allocated to us by Hampton DSS. This generosity allows us to directly engage our target population on a daily basis.

Together we cultivate robust vegetables including peas, peppers, root vegetables, and more!

At F.O.O.T. we understand the correlation between healthy foods and healthy families. We know that because of this, our food affects our cognition. Participants of the garden are taught how to cultivate food to sustain themselves and combat mental issues.

The Learning Garden is F.O.O.T.’s central initiative!

Interested in participating? Contact us here!